Biorock Technology


The process of Electrodeposition of Minerals in Sea Water known as Mineral Accretion Technology was developed by Architect, Marine Scientist, Prof. Wolf H. Hilbertz, through extensive experimental applications, demonstration, and commercial projects commenced in 1974, covering coastal defense structures, shoreline stabilization - erosion control, artificial reefs, mariculture, and marine construction. [Reference Publications: 1975-1981]


In the course developing Accretion Technology directed toward structural applications, exceptional accumulations and growth rates of marine organisms on accreting structures were observed. The process was further developed as Biorock "A METHOD OF ENHANCING THE GROWTH OF AQUATIC ORGANISMS, AND STRUCTURES CREATED THEREBY."


Biorock Coral Reef Restoration - Karang Lestari Project
Pemuteran Bali - Videos - 2002 to 2006

In 1988, Prof. Wolf H.Hilbertz, began collaboration with Coral Ecologist, Dr. Thomas J. Goreau, of the Global Coral Reef Alliance, in research and development of Biorock with a focus on coral propagation, preservation of corals, and coral reef restoration.

Demonstration projects conducted at number of locations around the world have involved the grafting of salvaged coral fragments to Biorock Reef Structures.

  • Enhanced growth rates of the salvaged corals were monitored and documented.
  • Survival of corals on Biorock Reef Structures exceeded the survival of corals on adjacent natural coral reef formations under severely degrading environmental conditions.
  • Biorock Reef Structures immediately became integrated, living parts of their marine environment, providing additional substrata available and conducive to further natural settlement of wild corals.
  • Biorock Reef Structures ultimately hold promise to augment repopulating of corals on natural reefs that have suffered degradation and devastation from numerous human related and natural causes.




Electric Boost for Reefs
Video: National Geographic News

Dr. T.J. Goreau, Global Coral Reef Alliance
at United Nations Climate Change Conference
Bali, Indonesia - December 2007

Electricity Revives Bali Coral Reefs
Pemuteran Bay, Indonesia, December 4, 2007

National Geographic News - Associated Press Article

"Maldive Barnacle" Biorock Reef Structure, constructed in 1996. Photo. 1997

"Maldive Barnacle" Biorock Reef Structure 
April 1999
Restoration of coral growth under "impossible" conditions. In the Maldives in 1998 only 1-5% of corals survived heatstroke caused by global warming, but in the same habitats, 50-80% of the corals on Biorock structures survived. 

Business and Professional inquiries regarding Biorock can be directed to: 
Biorock is the Trademark of Biorock Inc. 
Biorock is a Patented Process Owned by Biorock Inc.,
Protected under International Intellectual Property Legislation.
Copyright © Applies to All  www.Biorock.Net Website Content. 
All rights reserved. 


The following publications are available at: [Note: IEEE Search "Hilbertz" ]

1. Electrodeposition of minerals in sea water: Experiments and applications
Hilbertz, W.
Oceanic Engineering, IEEE Journal of Volume 4, Issue 3, Jul 1979

2. Electrodeposition of Minerals in Seawater
Hilbertz, W.
OCEANS Volume 10, Sep 1978

3. Restoring coral reefs, oyster banks, and fisheries by seawater electrolysis: coastal zone management and tourism applications
Goreau, T.J.; Hilbertz, W.; Azeez, A.; Hakeem, A.; Dodge, R.; Despaigne, G.; Shwaiko, C.;
OCEANS 2003. Proceedings Volume 2, 22-26 Sept. 2003

4. Shore protection, beach formation, and production of building materials and energy using seawater electrolysis technology
Goreau, T.J.; Hilbertz, W.; Azeez, A.; Hakeem, A.; Allen, J.;
OCEANS 2003. Proceedings Volume 5, 22-26 Sept. 2003